Many people yearn for financial independence. It’s fairly common for people to dream of having a big income, owning a house, a car, traveling abroad, and providing quality education for their children, among others.
Not everybody though gets to realize his or her dreams in life. Know why?
I’m reminded of a story about a little boy and his grandfather who went fishing. The little guy wondered why each time they landed a big one, his grandpa would toss it back; but when they get the small ones, he puts them inside the basket.
At last he asked, “Grandpa, why do you toss the big fish back into the water and keep the small ones?”
“Don’t you see we only have a small frying pan at home?” the old man replied.
In one hand, many people toss their big dreams aside, thinking its just wishful thinking, while they dream small dreams to fit their small income.
On the other hand, many Filipinos today want to work overseas because of the lure of a relatively higher salary. These are the ones who pursue their dreams no matter what it takes. They’re willing to pay stiff placement fees to unscrupulous job recruitment agencies so as to have the opportunity to earn in US dollars. Just ask around, in their search for greener pastures, some people even sell their farmlands so they can pay those incredibly high placement and miscellaneous fees.
But what if one does not possess the skills needed by overseas employers and one still wants to earn in US dollars? Fortunately, there's a way how. If a person has other marketable skills or has a product to sell, He/she can sell them online.
This site offers a way for you to become financially independent.
They can help you succeed with a home-based business by teaching you how to effectively market your product.
Or you can check this out for details: “How to Build a Successful Online Business”
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