The faithful came for healing from as far north as Samar and as far south as Maasin. The unfaithful, too, came over as well as the believers and non-believers(the latter probably came over out of curiosity)
They came from all walks of life...the rich, the not so rich, the poor and the feeling rich. They had among them an array of ailments such as heart disease, cancer,arthritis,diabetes,stroke, etc. They all converged and hoped to get healed by the power of the Holy Spirit through the healing hands of Father Fernando Suarez inside the Ormoc Superdome last Thursday, the 25th of September 2008.
The strength of their faith drove them here and those who were ill and members of their respective families who accompanied them to the Ormoc Superdome that day had one thing in common- hope. Each one of them hoped that they or their loved ones would be cured by the power of the Holy Spirit through the hands of the now world-renowned Father Suarez.
Hope was absolutely on my mind, too, because my mother, who has a heart condition, was among those who were waiting to be touched and healed by Father Suarez. When I asked her later regarding her experience, she said that she felt a warm and powerful force, which emanated from the hands of the famous healer, had struck her and ran downward throughout her body. At the same time, she also felt like she was on the verge of passing out as Father Suarez touched her lower jaws with both hands. Many of those touched by the healing priest fell backwards into the arms of "catchers" -people designated to stand behind the patients to catch their bodies as they fall backwards.
A family friend narrated that she had closed her eyes when the priest was still a few feet away. Suddenly she felt like she was jolted by something not unlike an electric current from the point in her forehead where Father Suarez had touched her, and ran down throughout her body.
Believe it or not, but on this particular day, the blind could see again, the hearing impaired could hear again, and many of the wheelchair-bound could walk again.
There are things in life which are unfathomable, things that simply cannot be satisfactorily explained by science. What happened here inside the Ormoc Superdome was definitely one of those things. I thank the lord for people like Father Suarez, who reinvigorates and revitalizes my attitude towards my Catholic faith.
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